Some legal policies are necessary for your website. You are in charge of making sure you have all the laws and regulations necessary for your area and industry. Below are just a few of the things you need to cover:
Privacy Policy:
In a nutshell, this explains to your website's visitors what personal data you gather there and what you do with it.
Terms and Conditions:
This outlines the conduct you anticipate from your guests and what they can anticipate from you.
Copyright Notice:
This lets visitors know that the information on your website is legally yours and cannot be used without your consent.
Payment Terms:
This can also be included in your terms and conditions, but if you accept payments in any way through your website, you must specify how payments are handled and any applicable refund and return policies.
There are several sites that you could look into to set all this up with ease to make sure that you have covered all your legal bases for your area and industry. Below is what I like to use (she also has amazing legal resources)
The Legal Paige - Teaching you the legal way to run your business. Without breaking into hives!